Friday, July 21, 2017

Twenty - Ten

So after a machine stop yesterday, today went smoothly and I'm all done with 20 rounds of radiation - yippee! As you can see, I've started to lose hair in the radiation zone, but shaving my head is nothing new for  this swimmer. We're off to the pool now for the 4th time this week, and are really looking forward to the kids coming back home after that. 

This week Senator John McCain was diagnosed with a glioblastoma, and a very inspirational Op-Ed was published in the NYT today by Jessica Morris, a woman with the same diagnosis. Here's to all the members of our unlucky club - let's enjoy life to the fullest, one day at a time. 

Friday, July 14, 2017


This morning we all went swimming together, just like 30 years ago when we first moved to Edgemoor. To mark my 15th day of radiation - the halfway point! - I did a 1500, while they did 1000 each. The shirt I'm wearing is not a coincidental choice - it's 22 years old, from the basketball team Dad coached. 

This surreal situation has allowed Mamina and Bhapu to play the role of parents again, taking excellent care of me this week that we've been alone. Before that, they learned our family routines and helped out with the kids in the early mornings and late afternoons when we needed it most. This week we've had a Norwegian lesson at breakfast every morning, and they're well on their way to becoming 'ekte Drammensere.' 

And with that, I'll sign off with a big 'tusen takk' til mine flotte foreldre❤️

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Ro i sjela

Best way to start the new week, with a walk up to the pond. Anette and the kids are leaving Rauland this morning, having spent the night on their way to Haugesund and Vikedal. Mamina and Bhapu will drive me to the hospital this week, and when Anette returns alone on Saturday I'll be halfway through this stage of treatment. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Two weeks down!

How do you celebrate two weeks of radiation? With a hair cut and ice cream!